Monday, March 24, 2008

Just a Spring update

I realized that I haven't been blogging as frequently as I started out, but I tend to only blog when I feel it's worthwhile or at least amusing to me. I figured I'd give an update as to what's happening in my life at the moment :)

Kitchen Remodeling: It's hard to believe but my kitchen is finally finished (except the flooring)! I meant to take some pictures this weekend of the final product, but forgot. I still have all the "during" photos, but unfortunately none of the "before." I have enjoyed it a lot so far, in fact I told Brent yesterday that this kitchen relaxes me. It seems odd to think of a "relaxing kitchen," but everything is organized and I have actual countertop space to work on now. This entire process of renovation has truly convinced me that my environment impacts my mental state. And while I don't buy into the whole Feng Shui ideology, I do believe that your surroundings can be an outflow of your mind or heart, and vice versa. Photos to come shortly, and you'll see the disorganized chaos that ruled our home as well as my attitude :( Next tasks: Choosing paint colors and installing flooring throughout the entire home.

Resurrection Sunday: Praise the Lord for He has risen! This year our normal routine of visiting my parents' church service was replaced by serving at two different services and enjoying our own church's service, just Brent and myself. We did however maintain the tradition of having a delicious lunch at my grandmother's house with some of our relatives. Below are some pictures that we took following lunch. My precious niece and nephew were quite the scene-stealers.

New Bible study: I am looking forward to getting back into Bible study mode, especially with the ladies from my Sunday school class. We will beginning Shaunti Feldhahn's "For Women Only: what you need to know about the inner lives of men." From a sneak peek of the workbook, it already looks challenging from a wife's standpoint. Ironically, it's coming at a time when I think I need it the most.

Job concerns: This pertains to Brent instead of me, but essentially he will be letting his employer know today that he will no longer be working for them. It basically comes down to traveling time away from home (he is typically home only on the weekends). It's hard on me emotionally, and he doesn't think it's favorable either. Unfortunately, he approached his managers last Thursday and discussed the amount of traveling he has been doing, and they did not appreciate his comments. They essentially informed him that come Monday (today) he would need to make a decision of whether or not he was 'serious' about his current position. I wish I could say that I was 100% on his decision of leaving the company because of his priority for family, but I'm not. The wife in me who needs a provider is worried about the mysterious future; namely, unemployment. He has already applied for a couple of opportunities, but we're in that tricky waiting game phase now. Please pray for wisdom for us and courage, as well as job offers. Thankfully, we have enough savings to cover us financially if need be for awhile.

Matthew 6:31-34, “So don’t worry about these things, saying, ‘What will we eat? What will we drink? What will we wear?’ These things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers, but your heavenly Father already knows all your needs. Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need. “So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today."

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