Tuesday, March 10, 2009

What's a laid-off mom to do? Be a stay-at-home mom!

I came across this article a few minutes ago,

Several interesting observations collected from these new SAHMs (emphasis mine):

  • "Lucas and other laid-off women like her are involuntarily experiencing the life of a stay-at-home mom, and they are getting to know a lot more about the details of their children's daily existence. They are also discovering some of the things they have been missing."
  • "After years in which her husband was the main caregiver, she is finding the time off with her children to be an unexpected blessing."
  • "Before, I felt like the manager or director of a family. Now I get to do the Mom things --making the lunches, taking my daughter to school. It's been fabulous."
  • "As for Quinn, her younger daughter recently delighted her by announcing she had decided to forgo any summer activities --she just wants to hang with Mom."
I am amazed at how surprised some of the moms seem to be of the fact that children are a blessing. Imagine, parents having fun with their kids, laughing, playing, enjoying them! The part that broke my heart was the daughter who desires just to spend time with her mom than do all the summer stuff.

Is it possible that parents make "proper" parenting harder and more complex than it needs to be? Moms and dads alike easily bemoan carting their children from soccer to piano to math club. But sometimes, a kid just wants to be a kid with their parents. Do humans just really want to love and be loved? Is it that simple?

Just as parents who work full-time may never know the ins and outs of their kids, the same is true of the children; they may grow up never feeling like they ever knew their mom and dad. I also wonder about the blessings that have been forfeited due to lack of time and deepened relationships. There just can't be a pricetag on being able to love on your kids full-time.

1 comment:

Sheila said...

RYC: No he was in a disposable!